Thursday, August 17, 2023

Man up, Mr. Trump

Mr. Trump,

Donald, I'm talking to you as a former follower of your celebrity.

I always wondered who you were...everyone in the media was talking about you else and your accomplishments in the 80's.
I watched everything I could find, trying to figure out why everyone was so enamored of you.
I never really ever figured it out, but I watched anyway.

But, no more...not since 2016 anyway.

You screwed up. Own up to it. Take ownership of your mistakes.
Honestly, I'm sick of hearing of your lies and indiscretions.
No one wants to hear more lies from you. You can't lie your way out of your mistakes.
Own up to the truth. Be a man. A real man admits his mistakes and learns to be a better person.

But, I realize this will never happen. After a lifetime of making up your own version of the truth, I don't think you truly understand the real truth behind all your lies. (Your parents should have taught you better.)

I'm sorry you had a shitty childhood, even though you grew up wealthy.
I'm sorry you felt you had to become just like your father in order to gain his acceptance of you.
You didn't have much of a chance with parents like yours...but you did have a choice to be a good person.

You had a choice to be a good person who is kind, compassionate and caring.
Instead, you chose to be the man we see today.

A man who thinks a persons worth is only in their skin-deep beauty.
A man who thinks it is his right to have sex with any woman he choses...even if she says no.
A man who thinks it is his right to tell lies when the truth hurts.

A man who thinks he can trash the rights of others who are different from him.
A man who thinks highly only of himself...a man who thinks every person in the world is jealous of your wealth, prestige and position.
A man who resorts to inciting an insurrection using your followers

Except, you don't really believe it yourself.
You have no confidence in yourself; you are always looking for validation from others.

I understand you far better than you understand yourself.
I was raised by a man like yourself. 
You are so much alike in manner, words and deeds, you two could be twins

Except, he didn't have a rich father or rich grandfather.

Like yourself, he gained his wealth by taking money from others, then claiming it was never their money in the first place. He even claimed those others owed him far more than he took.
(For what, I don't know. He doesn't explain anything...just makes baseless claims, like you.)

Like yourself, he demanded loyalty of the people around him, while never giving his loyalty.
Like yourself, he was contemptuous of his followers who gave him loyalty.
Like yourself, he believed he could treat all people badly and they deserved that treatment.

He was wrong. 

So are you.
Man up. It's not too late to man up.

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