And kept it off for almost six months, just by adding fresh fruits and vegetables.
(At 5 ft, 1-inch tall, I weighed 255 pounds when I started eating better nutrition in January 2017.)
Over the years, I've tried so many diets, so many 'proven' programs...I'd lose a few pounds, then put it back on again, doubled. (I'd lose 5 pounds, then gain 10 pounds.)
Year after year, I was in this never-ending spiral of loss and gain.
Spent two years in Weight Watchers losing and gaining the same 5 pounds every month.
I thought I was to blame.
I thought I didn't have the willpower to resist chocolate and sugary snacks.
I thought I was, somehow, inadequate...doomed to be overweight my entire life.
Then I found out I had thyroid disease.
Actually, I knew I had thyroid disease; I was unable to get a doctor to look at my symptoms instead of the results of the blood test (they didn't know then that 'the pill' affected the results).
Taking herbal thyroid helped slow the weight gain, but I still wasn't losing weight.
Finally, in November 2017, I found some books that changed my life.
I changed the way I eat... I've lost 30 pounds and kept it off.
The first book: If you've been trying to lose weight and haven't had any luck keeping it off, a big part of the problem may be the food you are purchasing from the grocery store. Based on the information in this book, the food companies use three key ingredients to keep their costs low, while reaping in huge the expense of their customers health. (Hmmm...sounds like the same tactics the cigarette companies used for years!) this can find it at most libraries...
Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us by Michael Moss
Personal Note: For two years prior to reading this book, my doctor told me my salt levels were too high. He told me to quit eating salt. I had this weird swelling in my feet, ankles and lower legs during the summer and warm weather. My ankles disappeared. My lower legs resembled an elephants...So much swelling that I could barely walk...and it was painful!
Even after avoiding using salt while cooking and at the table for two years, my next blood tests confirmed the salt levels in my body were still WAY
I only understood why after reading Michael Moss's book. (My husband was buying boxed 'convenience' and processed foods which meant I was getting abnormally high levels of salt from the foods I ate every day! I thought I was eating healthy since I don't eat chips or french fries.)
Once I learned that the boxed and processed foods my husband had been preparing for our meals was responsible for my lower leg and foot swelling, I
was pissed. I still find it difficult to believe that the food companies are actively choosing to poison their customers in the name of profit. Pretty shitty way of doing business, in my opinion.
Once you understand why processed food is so bad for you, it's far easier to make the decision to make better nutrition a way of life. (Thank you Michael Moss!)
In fact, I don't diet anymore.
For me, ' being on a diet' means depriving myself, portion control, eating at set times a day, fighting the cravings...
Instead, I choose to say I'm eating better nutrition. Better nutrition is a choice to eat healthy foods.
Now, my body doesn't crave sweets and chocolate. (And I can have them if I want...which I do once in a while.)
I have simply changed my approach to nutrition.
The second book: Food Can Fix It: The Superfood Switch to Fight Fat, Defy Aging, and Eat Your Way Healthy by Mehmet Oz
This book not only talks about how to eat better, but includes recipes and the some of the science behind keeping your body properly fueled. Dr. Oz advocates a fresh food, balanced way of eating using lots of fresh veggies and fruits along with lean meats and grains. I love the vegetable broth recipe. I use it as the base for making lentils, rice and other grains.
The third book: Medical Medium Thyroid Healing by Anthony William
I was astounded by this book. Finally, someone has the answer I have been looking for since 1980 when my thyroid suddenly 'broke'.
I thought it was something I did, some stress I had been under to trigger the thyroid problem that I assumed was genetic in my fathers family.
Nope! I'm not to's caused by a strain of virus, not detectable in tests yet.
This underlying problem, a virus, is one most American's have; a virus that, when fed processed food, multiplies over years, just waiting to destroy our health slowly. And we just think this is what happens when you grow have health problems that slowly worsen over time...
This is just one of a series of books by the author, addressing medical issues that afflict so many, from chronic fatigue, to liver problems to cancer to lupus, and much more! You gotta read it...
If you choose to read only one book
on this list, make it one of the
Medical Medium books.
I'm only partially following Anthony's nutrition advice and I've lost 30 pounds in 2018.
I feel better, my skin is clearer than ever.
I have ankles again...the lower leg swelling is mostly gone!
I have ankles again...the lower leg swelling is mostly gone!
And I'm eating more fruits and vegetables than ever before..Big plates of food every couple of hours.
And I've discovered lentils are a great protein source.
(I still eat meat, but limit my intake to a few ounces a week. I've found it surprisingly easy to do.)
If you're worried about the high cost of eating fresh veggies and fruit, I found my food bill increased by $20 per week in the beginning.
As I eased off from eating meat, I now find I'm actually saving money on my food bill.
And, I'm trying all sorts of new vegetables every few months.
I've discovered asparagus, avocado, red and purple potatoes, cilantro...I have more foods to discover, just trying to ease into it. (I'm a very picky eater!)
I actually eat a fresh banana EVERY day.and fresh avocados several times a week..and I'm losing weight! (The fat in these foods is beneficial!)
It's truly the books noted above, do your research, find recipes and give it a try...what do you have to lose???
And if you are wondering...I've never met the authors of the books above and am not getting any compensation for promoting these books.
It's my hope that you will benefit from the knowledge in these books.
Discoveries I've made when I was ready to make changes in my life.
I pass this gift of knowledge forward.
It's the right thing to do.